Vendor Contract

**Vendor Contract**

**1. Identification:**

This agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between:

**Shop Local Southern Utah DBA Cedar Street Fest LLC**
4351 North Apple Blossom Lane, Enoch, Utah.


[Full legal name, address, and contact information]

**2. Products/Services:**

The Vendor agrees to provide the following products/services:

[Detailed description, specifications, quantities, and quality standards]

**3. Pricing and Payments:**

- Pricing determination: Based on current market value.
- Payment terms: The vendor agrees to a commission rate of 20% on all sales.
- Applicable taxes or fees: Taken care of by Shop Local Southern Utah.

**4. Term and Termination:**

- Duration: 6 months commitment.
- Termination: End of the contract.

**5. Delivery and Fulfillment:**

- Responsibilities: Vendor handles shipping, fulfillment, and provider by (Shop Local Southern Utah) shipping label.
- Expected delivery times: Fulfilled within 6 days.

**6. Quality Assurance:**

- Quality standards: Excellent quality products preferred.
- Handling defective items: Procedures to be discussed.

**7. Marketing and Promotion:**

- Agreed marketing activities: Vendor participation in specified events.
- Use of branding materials: Vendor's trademarks and logos for advertising by Shop Local Southern Utah.

**8. Confidentiality:**

- Protection of confidential information: Mutual agreement.

**9. Insurance:**

- Insurance requirements: Standard liability insurance, and any other required for the product or service.

**10. Indemnification:**

- Legal claims: Vendor's responsibility.

**11. Compliance with Laws:**

- Assurance of compliance: Both parties will adhere to relevant laws and regulations.

**12. Dispute Resolution:**

- Dispute resolution: 30-day return policy, other resolutions before legal action.

**13. Non-Compete or Exclusivity:**

- Vendor working with competitors: Allowed.
- Exclusivity arrangements: Negotiable financial with incentives.

**14. Force Majeure:**

- Unforeseen circumstances: Handled through liability insurance and other appropriate means.

**15. Miscellaneous Clauses:**

- Governing law and jurisdiction.
- Amendments to the contract.
- Entire agreement clause.


**Exhibit A: Product/Service Specifications**
*This exhibit outlines the specific details of the products or services the vendor is providing. It includes, but is not limited to:*

1. **Product Descriptions:** Detailed descriptions of each product or service, specifying features, materials used, and any unique attributes.
2. **Technical Specifications:** Technical details such as size, dimensions, weight, and color options.
3. **Quality Standards:** Clear standards for the quality expected, ensuring that the vendor understands the level of quality required for each product or service.
4. **Customization Options:** If applicable, details on any customization options available to customers and the associated guidelines.

**Exhibit B: Quality Assurance Procedures**
*This exhibit focuses on the procedures and standards for maintaining the quality of the products or services. It includes:*

1. **Inspection Processes:** Clearly defined procedures for inspecting products before shipment to ensure they meet quality standards.
2. **Quality Control Measures:** Steps taken to monitor and control quality during the production process.
3. **Defect Resolution:** Protocols for handling defective or substandard items, including the process for returns, replacements, or refunds.
4. **Customer Feedback Mechanisms:** Methods for collecting and responding to customer feedback regarding product quality.

**Exhibit C: Insurance Requirements**
*This exhibit outlines the insurance-related requirements for the vendor, including:*

1. **Liability Insurance:** The type and amount of liability insurance coverage required to protect against claims related to the vendor's products or services.
2. **Product Liability Insurance:** If applicable, details on product liability insurance coverage to protect against claims arising from defects or injuries caused by the products.
3. **Proof of Insurance:** The vendor's obligation to provide proof of insurance coverage and maintain coverage throughout the term of the contract.

These exhibits, when incorporated into the vendor contract, provide a comprehensive understanding of product specifications, quality assurance procedures, and insurance requirements, ensuring clarity and alignment between both parties.

Certainly, let's complete the additional details for each exhibit:

**Exhibit D: Marketing and Promotion Agreement**
*This exhibit outlines the marketing and promotional activities that both parties will engage in. It includes:*

1. **Collaborative Marketing:** Details on joint marketing initiatives, promotional events, or campaigns that the vendor will participate in to promote their products.
2. **Branding Usage:** Permission for the vendor to use Shop Local Southern Utah's trademarks, logos, or branding materials for mutual promotional purposes.
3. **Event Participation:** If applicable, the number and type of events the vendor is committed to attending or supporting to enhance their brand visibility.

**Exhibit E: Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement**
*This exhibit focuses on the protection of confidential information shared during the partnership. It includes:*

1. **Confidential Information Definition:** Clearly defines what constitutes confidential information and specifies the obligations to keep such information confidential.
2. **Duration of Confidentiality:** Outlines the duration for which confidentiality obligations apply, even after the termination of the contract.
3. **Exceptions:** Any exceptions or exclusions to the confidentiality requirements, such as information already in the public domain.

**Exhibit F: Dispute Resolution Mechanisms**
*This exhibit specifies the procedures for resolving disputes between the parties. It includes:*

1. **Mediation:** If disputes arise, the process of attempting mediation before pursuing more formal dispute resolution methods.
2. **Arbitration or Litigation:** The chosen method for resolving disputes if mediation is unsuccessful, specifying whether arbitration or litigation will be pursued.
3. **Governing Law:** The jurisdiction and governing law under which the contract is interpreted and enforced.

**Exhibit G: Miscellaneous Clauses**
*This exhibit covers various additional clauses. It includes:*

1. **Governing Law and Jurisdiction:** Clearly states the jurisdiction and governing law applicable to the contract.
2. **Amendments:** Outlines the process for making amendments or modifications to the contract and any requirements for written consent.
3. **Entire Agreement:** A clause confirming that the written contract represents the entire agreement between the parties, superseding any prior oral or written agreements.

These exhibits collectively provide a comprehensive framework for the vendor contract, addressing crucial aspects related to products, quality, insurance, marketing, confidentiality, dispute resolution, and miscellaneous provisions.


By signing below, both parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Vendor Contract.

[Vendor's Signature] [Date]

[Shop Local Southern Utah's Signature] [Date]